Things are a bit out of control... and I'm OK with it! Maybe it's because I'm older and have become used to the history of surprises in my life. Or maybe I'm resigned to the fact that my life projects always shape up in unexpected (and sometimes, unwanted) ways. But actually, recent developments are showing me that the one in charge is God himself. And that takes a whole load off!
Lately, I've been bothered by the "not enough" factor of who I am, or more accurately, what I do. If only I taught better, visited more, listened more carefully, shepherded more effectively, etc. All very self-centred and unrealistic. But really, the only thing I need to be is FAT (Faithful, Available, Teachable). This was one of the very first lessons I was taught by the guy who discipled me in first-year university. It's taken decades for the lesson to sink in.
Right now, I am part of an amazing new growth initiative in my worshipping community. I don't think I've so looked forward to the near future with my fellow sojourners in Christ as I do today. The thing is, although I'm the "leader" of the original "ideas and prayer" group, the vision and action that is being implemented has grown way past what we could engineer. The input and suggestions are creating something much better and more beautiful than I ever dreamed of. I tell you, the support and enthusiasm for where God is leading us just fills me with a sense of euphoria and anticipation. People who never talk to me are telling me they want to be part of this. It is something bigger than me or us. So, who is in control? Should I be surprised that God answers prayer?
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11). God is in control. Let me be FAT.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity... but of power, love and self-discipline
Looking forward with much excitement... big ideas, yes, and an even bigger God.
Wow! I am very excited for you. I've heard bits and pieces of whats happening through the grapevine.
I read something recently that said that we are constantly changing - sometimes growing and sometimes shrinking. My reyarp for you is that this will lead to SP growth for your community.
I will yarp that He will bless you as you lead this new initiative. You are definitely the right person for the job!
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