Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Had the privilege of talking to a few college/university students and their parents. Their number one concern right now is getting through their exams. Yet I sense that a very close number two is getting a summer job. It's been many years since I was a student, but I get it. Sort of out on one's own and growing in independence, it is nice to have some money that is self-earned. That little extra cash brings a lot with it: a sense of movement into adulthood, freedom to spend a little to balance all the stress and responsibility of being a student, and a little less dependence on kindly parents.

Looking for that job is a stress all its own. I remember writing the resume, visiting the student employment centre every day, filling out endless application forms, going for interview after interview after interview. Some of the jobs I landed? A coder for a market research firm; an assembly line sorter for the Trivial Pursuit game cards; casual help at a couple of libraries. None of them were very glamourous or even related to my studies. Still, I was so grateful for having the odd summer job. The only thing I can credit myself for in the process was persevering in the job hunt.

If you are out there looking for a summer job, keep at it, even if it's tough slugging. God bless you with something that fits you.

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