Monday, November 27, 2006


Why are people all around me, and I guess I should count myself part of the crowd, so self-obsessed and self-centred? I think we live in a culture of entitlement. We each believe, "I am entitled to it." Entitled to what? We think we deserve our toys. We deserve better teachers. We deserve better classes. We deserve a job with reasonable hours and excellent pay. We deserve to see the fruit of our labours. We deserve to have friends that care in an appropriate way at all the right times. I should have an easier life. I should have better prices on my music, my gadgets, my insurance policies. I should have a fulfilling sense of achievement and satisfaction for all I do. I should not have to put up with criticism. I should have people falling all over me with appreciation. Dang it all, I'm entitled to it!

After all, I've worked hard. I've suffered and sacrificed to get here. I've cared for others and given of myself. My years of education should be paying off now. My on-the-job loyalty should get me some clout, bonus vacation time, and seniority. People should listen to me and get on the ball. I am faithful in doing what is expected of me and more besides. What else can be demanded of me? It's time I demanded something for myself.

Ooooooh! Does this sound like me? I truly hope not, even if you might have heard me complain like this before. My trouble with all this is, I believe our generation talks and acts like this all the time. It really wears on me to hear people elevate themselves and complain about the injustice of life. Well, let me say it point blank: If I am like this, I really don't deserve anything.

What ever happened to "count your blessings"? I don't think our generation can count - at least not blessings. We are afflicted with entitlement sickness - we complain about what we have and demand more. It is not reasonable. It is not seeing the big picture. It is not Christlike. He was never about entitlement, and if anyone ever deserved a return for investment, it would be Jesus. Yet his legacy is wavering, half-hearted disciples like me. What ever happened to "anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me"? If we must complain, how about caring about the things that break God's heart?

The problem, I believe, is the impoverished vision we have of God, and the miniscule understanding we have of life in Christ. A real vision of God vanquishes all demands and questions. Think of Job who was rendered speechless by a vision of God at a time when he had real reason to complain about justice in life. An understanding of life in Christ compels perseverance and joy. Think of the fullness (abundance) of life promised to those who trust in him. Believe it or not, the difficulties and hurts of life contribute to that fullness. Here's where I have to grow: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Get off the entitlement bandwagon! Well, that's my rant. Maybe you can tell I'm a bit ill-tempered today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for imparting your wisdom with us HiddenValleyMan. We are blessed that you have chosen and continue to choose to lead our community and teach us. We have so much to learn from you. Please don't stop.

We are blessed by your presence. Which is why I am your disciple.
