She is easily the greatest wonder of Creation in my life. All the world's best reasons for why I love her are true. She is the love of my life. I fell in love with her because of her sunny disposition and warm smile. She is caring and selfless, always going the extra mile. Although she has gifts and abilities that can catapult her to prominence, she always chooses to put me first. She is a companion, friend, and encourager. She makes life full and exciting simply by being there. The best family times happen because she painstakingly plans and executes our together activities. And... she understands.
She is God's gift to me. Ours is not a fairy tale relationship of boy meets girl and they live happily ever after. It's a lot deeper than that. I've come to realize that marriage as God intended it really is a mystery. The journey of becoming one is so marvelously coloured and complex that it could only be born in the mind of the infinite Creator. There are things about myself that would have remained undiscovered without her prompting - she brings out the best in me, and turns the worst on its head. The reality of unconditional love, or grace, is made real because in spite of everything she is always there. Always.
Her love satisfies me emotionally, but it is not just feelings. She is there with an open hand to hold till hurt is gone. Her words are wisdom. Her smile brings release from the burdens of this world. From the recesses of her heart springs a surprise for me every day - I know her so well, and yet, not at all. She is a godly woman who has a faith that gently challenges the growth of my own. Where would I be otherwise?
After all these years, you give me so much to look forward to. Happy anniversary, honey! I love you.
r u a shepherd?
figuratively yes.
This in itself is a witness of the love which God created and intended for marriage. So beautiful. Quickens me to praise His Holy Name. Thank you. May I introduce your blog page to a friend?
Hi thmooj! I'm embarrassed, nevertheless I am more or less saying this publicly, so yes!
In many ways, aren't we all shepherds?
In a generalized way, I think, rather than as a life orientation, or vocation. In many ways, many of us teach, but we are not all teachers; many of us put things together, but we are not all builders; ...many of us shepherd, but we are not all shepherds.
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