Friday, March 06, 2009


OK, it's confirmed. They are going in May and June to Hong Kong, again. Two summers in a row seems very extravagant given that they are students and we are a family of ordinary means. However, my son is very excited and vocal about it, and I am excited for him. I'm sure my daughter is excited, too, but in a quieter way. Their trip, however, is not primarily a vacation. It is an investment in a growth opportunity. They will be doing an internship from the get-go that will require their full attention and involvement.

I'm very grateful to God for giving my kids this chance to be a meaningful part of the planning and execution of global-scale faith-centred events. Some of the projects lined up are: Global Day of Prayer (drawing a projected 40,000 people), Call2All conference, and a series of evangelistic events with extreme sports and youth concerts. I thank God for Lois, the organizer of these events, who will be personally taking my kids under her wing. I thank God for my aunt and uncle, who will provide their accomodation; my sister-in-law and her husband, who will lovingly look out for them; and other loved ones who will also look out for them. So much provided... I don't take any of this for granted, and I pray that my children will see God's hand at work in their lives by way of people who care and love so graciously.

There is no doubt that my kids will learn tons of useful stuff. It will be an experience that brings lasting positive impact. They will learn about sustained hard work and working toward a clear, real-time goal. They will pick up important life skills and see how things are done in a big way. They will also hone their people skills and perhaps get an opportunity to minister to others. Most of all, they will see first hand how the Spirit is alive and active today. Actually, it's a bit overwhelming as I think about it! I will be praying for them.

So, kids (although you are not really kids anymore!): Have fun! Depend on God! Pray! Work hard! Be gracious to everyone, always! Expect God to amaze you! He always will.